Monday, 27 February 2012

An alternative bibliography

The Battle of Cable Street 70th Anniv (C) Peter Marshall, 2006
On the previous page of this blog is the rough bibliography that was Marjorie Lorch's first assembly of Harold's work. Since putting it up, I edited certain aspects of it and then added material given to me by Tony Burgess, Michael Simons, Peter Medway, Georgina Brewis, Dominic Newbould and Janet Maybin. I have now added to the bibliography on the previous page the material from 'Education Today and Tomorrow' which he wrote in 1955 and 1957. 

Marjorie has now very kindly created a differently assembled bibliography with this cover note, referring to Simon Gibbons who collected from me a box of Harold's writings and noted what was there. Marjorie writes:

"  I have added the entries that Simon recently collected. Here is the updated list. I have just sorted it alphabetically by author so there are some that are by others about Harold’s work first. It is not entirely letter perfect in terms of copyediting. More work might be needed before it is in web worthy shape."

Methuan, 1867. Hanbook for english teachers 2 talking and writing: 100-.

Friday, 24 February 2012

First draft of a bibliography

Marjorie Lorch,. Birkbeck, University of London, has compiled this bibliography of Harold's work.If you know of any piece that isn't on this list or on the list on the next page of this blog, could you please send the reference to me at

Likewise, if you could date any of the unclassified material at the end, that would be good too.

Rosen, H. (1955) 'Instead of the Comics, Children's Reading' in Education Today and Tomorrow, Vol VII, Number Six, July 1955
Rosen, H. (1957) 'Two Cheers for Poetry, First Cheer' in Education Today and Tomorrow, Vol X, Number One, Sept/Oct 1957
Rosen, H. (1957) 'Two Cheers for Poetry, Second Cheer' in Education Today and Tomorrow, Vol X, Number Two, Nov/Dec 1957
[NOTE: Anyone researching 'Education Today and Tomorrow' will find these issues in the Working Class Movement Library, Salford]
Rosen, H. (1958). What shall I set? Use of English, 10(2), 90-97.
Rosen, H. (1960). Englisches Lehrbuch. T. 1, Erweiterte Oberschule. Berlin; Leipzig: Volk u. Wissen.
Britton, J. N., Rosen, H., Martin, N., & Schools Council.Schools, C. (1966). Multiple marking of English compositions : an account of an experiment. London: H.M.S.O.
Rosen, H. (1966). The language of textbooks. In (Vol. Handbook for English teachers 2 talking and writing, pp. 100-). London: Institute of Education
Barnes, D. R., Britton, J.N., Rosen, H., & English, L.A.T.E. (1969). Language, the learner and the school. [Harmondsworth]: Penguin.
Rosen, H. An investigation of the effects of differentiated writing assignments on the performance in English composition of a selected group of 15/16 year old pupils. Unpublished Thesis (PhD) University of London 1969.
Rosen, H. (1970). The Professional Education of the Teacher of English. Engl in Educ, 4(2), 58-72.
Barnes, D., Britton, J., Rosen, H., & London Association for the Teaching of, E. (1971). Language, the learner and the school : a research report (Revised ed.). Harmondsworth: Penguin.
Rosen, H. (1971). Messages and Message-makers. English in Education, 5(2), 85-98.
Open University, E. C. T., Esland, G., Rosen, H., Barnes, D., & Dale, R. (1972). Pedagogy and the teacher's presentation of self : Commitment to school [sound recording]. [Milton Keynes]: Open University.
Rosen, H., & Ruskin College . History, w. (1972). Language and class : a critical look at the theories of Basil Bernstein: Bristol, Falling Wall Press Ltd.
[NOTE FROM M.R. At about this time, Harold edited three editions of a magazine called 'Language and Class' - self-published. He also wrote an editorial in each one. We will look out for these in either my or Harold's archive!]
Tisher, R. P. (1972). Review: [untitled]. International Review of Education / Internationale Zeitschrift für Erziehungswissenschaft / Revue Internationale de l'Education, 18(4), 572-574.
‘Their Language and Ours’ in Teaching London Kids Issue No. 1 1972?.
Rosen, C., Rosen, H., & Schools, C. (1973). The language of primary school children. Harmondsworth [etc.]: Penguin Education for the Schools Council.
Rosen, H. (1973). The language of textbooks. In J. Britton (Ed.), Handbook for English teachers (pp. xvi,157p.). London [etc.]: Methuen.
Rosen, H. (1973). The primary school context. [Bletchley]: Open University.
Scott, J. L. (1973). Review: [untitled]. The English Journal, 62(6), 934-935.
Fagan, W. (1974). Review: [untitled]. The Reading Teacher, 27(6), 629-630.
Rosen, C., & Rosen, H. (1974). Talking. Urban Review, 7(1), 16-27.
Rosen, H. (1974). Language and class workshop. London: H. Rosen.
Rosen, H. (1974). Language and class : a critical look at the theories of Basil Bernstein (3d ed.). Bristol: Falling Wall Press Ltd.
Rosen, H. (1974). Speaking from experience. Times Educational Supplement (London), 3067, 19.
Rosen, H. (1974). Importance of Language. Notes From Workshop Center for Open Education, 3(4), 2-8.
Britton, J., Burgess, T., Martin, N., McLeod, A., & Rosen, H. (1975). The development of writing abilities (11-18). London: Macmillan.
Rosen, H. (1975). Out There or Where the Masons Went. Theory into Practice, 14(5), 338-342.
Rosen, H. (ed.) 1975. Language and Literacy in our Schools.  Some appraisals of the Bullock Report.  Studies in Education (New Series) 1. University of London Institute of Education.
Rosen, H. (1976). The Power of Common Talk. Times Educational Supplement (London), 3209, 28-29.
Rosen, H., & University of London. Institute of, E. (1976). Talkshop : a selection of tape transcripts. London: University of London.
Lee, V., & Rosen, H. (1977). Black English in Britain. [Milton Keynes]: Open University.
Pikulski, J. J. (1977). Review: [untitled]. The Reading Teacher, 30(5), 565-566.
Rosen, H., & University of London. Institute of, E. (1977). Talkshop 2 : a selection of tape transcripts, poems, prose, and graphics. London: University of London.
Barnes, D. R., Britton, J.N., Rosen, H., & London Association for the Teaching of, E. (1978). Language, the learner and the school. Harmondsworth: Penguin.
Rosen, H. (1978), 'Signing On', The New Review, February 1978, reprinted in BAAL Newsletter no. 7, June 1979.
Hoffman, M., Perera, K., Seely, J., Rosen, H., Torbe, M., & Open University. Language Development Course, T. (1979). The language curriculum. Milton Keynes: Open University Press.
Open, U., Perera, K., Rosen, H., & Seely, J. (1979). The language curriculum: supplementary readings for Block 6. eynes: Open University Press.
Rosen, H., Burgess, T., & University of London. Institute of Education. Department of, E. (1979). Linguistic diversity in London schools.
Warnock, J. (1979). Review: Brittonism. Rhetoric Society Quarterly, 9(1), 7-16.
‘Up There Where the Linguists Are’ An interview with Harold Rosen, The English Magazine Issue No. 2 1979
Rosen, H. (1979) Linguistics and the teaching of a mother tongue. Plenary paper presented at the Fifth International Congress of Applied Linguistics, Montreal, 1978 (Published in AILA Bulletin, 1979.)
Rosen, H. (1980). The Dramatic Mode. In P. Salmon (Ed.), Coming to Know (pp. 152-168). London: Routledge.
Rosen, H., & Burgess, T. (1980). Languages and dialects of London school children : an investigation. London: Ward Lock International.
Open University, E. C. T., Rosen, H., Esland, G., & Lee, V. (1981). Language in use.
Rosen, H. (1981). Neither Bleak House nor Liberty Hall : English in the curriculum: [Inaugural Lecture, delivered 4 march 1981]University of London Institute of Education.
Rosen, H. (1981). The development of social views of language.
Rosen, H. (1981). Linguistics and the teaching of a mother tongue. Paper presented at the Proceedings of the  5th Congress of AILA. .
Rosen, H., Esland, G., & Lee, V. J. (1981). Social aspects of language. Milton Keynes: Open University Press.
Rosen, H., & Gulliksen, Ø. (1981). Morsmålsdidaktiske essays. Oslo: Novus.
Schools Council. Language for Learning, P., Bleach, J., Levine, J., Rosen, H., & Schools Council. Programme 3: Developing the Curriculum for a Changing, W. (1981). Investigating talk : guidelines for teachers groups. London: University of London, Institute of Education.
Schools Council. Language for Learning Project, C., Rosen, H., Bleach, J., & Language in Inner City, S. (1981). Report of conference on investigating talk. London: Language for Learning Project.
Coates, R., Rosen, H., Sandos, C., & Pateman, T. (1982). Languages for life. [Brighton]: Education Area, University of Sussex.
Rosen, H. (1982). The pupil in school language networks. Paper presented at the British Association of Applied Linguistics. from
Rosen, H., & University of London. Institute of Education. (1982). The language monitors : a critique of the APU'S primary survey report Language performance in schools. Bedford Way Papers 11. London: Institute of Education, University of London.
Rosen, H., Spencer, M. M., Miller, J., & Alvarado, M. (1984). Changing English : essays for Harold Rosen. London: Heinemann Educational Books for the Institute of Education, University of London.
Rosen, H., Economic, & Social Research, C. (1985). Parental help with reading in schools.
Rosen, H. Stories and meanings: Sheffield : National Association for the Teaching of English, 1985(1987).
Rosen, H. and Chorny, M. (1985) ‘Narratology and the Teacher’, in Teacher as learner/Teacher as Research, Language in Classroom Project, Department of Curriculum and Instruction, University of Calgary.
Rosen, H. (1986). The Importance of Story. Language Arts, 63(3), 226-237.
[NOTE HERE IS AN ACCOUNT OF SOME WORK THAT HAROLD DID WITH THE OU BETWEEN 1988-1992 "Harold worked with Neil Mercer and myself [ie Janet Maybin] on the very first Open University MA in Education module on language and literacy E815 Language and Literacy, which ran from 1987 -1992. He wrote part of the students’ Study Guide and his review of Heath’s 'Ways with Words' was reprinted in one of the two Open University Readers that accompanied the module.]
Jones, M. A., West, A., & Great Britain. Committee of Inquiry into the Teaching of English, L. (1988). Learning me your language : perspectives on the teaching of English. London: Mary Glasgow.
Rosen, H. (1988). Struck by a particular gap.
Rosen, H. (1988). The Irrepressible Genre. In Maclure,M. Phillips, T., and Wilkinson, A. (Ed.), Oracy Matters. Milton Keynes: Open University Press.
Rosen, H. (1988). The autobiographical impulse. In D. Tannen (Ed.), Linguistics in Context: Connecting observation and understanding (pp. 69-88). Norwood, NJ: Ablex.
Rosen, H. (1988) 'Stories of Stories, a postscript by Harold Rosen' in Rosen, B. And None Of It Was Nonsense, the power of storytelling in school,  pp 163-172, Ontario, New York, Auckland, Gosford, Leamington Spa, Scholastic
Rosen, H. (1991). The Nationalisation of English. International Journal of Applied Linguistics, 1(1), 104-117.
Rosen, H. (1993). Troublesome boy. London: English & Media Centre.
Rosen, H. (1993). Stories and meanings. Sheffield: National Association for the Teaching of English.
Rosen, H. (1996). Autobiographical Memory. Changing English, 3(1), 21-34.
Rosen, H. (1998). Speaking from memory : the study of autobiographical discourse. Stoke-on-Trent: Trentham.
Rosen, H. (1998). Speaking from memory : a guide to autobiographical acts and practices. Stoke-on-Trent: Trentham.
Rosen, H. (1998). A Necessary Myth: Cable Street revisited. Changing English, 5(1), 27-34.
Rosen, H. (1999). Are you still circumcised? : East End memories. Nottingham: Five Leaves.
Rosen, H. (1999). Narrative in Intercultural Education. Intercultural Education, 10(3), 343-353.
Rosen, H. (1999). Narrative in Intercultural Education. European journal of intercultural studies., 10, 343-354.
Rosen, H. (2000). REVIEWS: - Speaking from Memory: The Study of Autobiographical Discourse. Oral history., 28(2), 103.
Rosen, H. (2003). Four Recent Poems. Changing English, 10(2), 155-158.
Rosen, H. (2004). Maginot Line. Changing English, 11(2), 243-245.
Rosen, H. (2004). Choose your frog. Nottingham: Five Leaves.

Unclassified by date for the time being:

Rosen, H. An investigation of the effects of differentiated writing assignments on the performance in English composition of a selected group of 15/16 year old pupils.
Rosen, H. How many genres in narrative? Changing English: Studies in Culture and Education, 1(1), 179 – 191.
Rosen, H. Narratology and the teacher.

Thursday, 23 February 2012


This is going to be a blog for and about my father, Harold Rosen who was a teacher in schools, colleges and universities.

I'm intending it to have a combination of bibliographies, weblinks, reminiscences, photos, news, articles.